Fan Inquiries

Here we have some inquiries from our fan base that may answer other people’s questions as to our game, Loyalty or Liberty?

Barry writes: When could you ever win by eliminating all opposing units? Wouldn't Disposition damage always cause a morale loss first?

To which we respond: Hey Barry! Good question! Thanks for notifying me via the forum that you posted! While a disposition loss (based off the deployment value per unit) generally would be the way someone goes down in flames, depending on the types and numbers of units you face off against, there is a chance you eliminate all opposing units first. Such examples might occur if the opposition decides to do an event-heavy deck and skimp on soldiery, all while using cheap men. In the end, your gut feeling is usually correct, but not always!

Barry writes: Do you have to advance before combat? Or can you combat and then advance?

To which we respond: Howdy! Another very good question! It was my understanding, being a reenactor, that a collection of volleys equating to ranged combat or a charge or exchange of blows in melee combat, would tend to be enough to exhaust a unit's capacity for a round, so that's why I had combat exhaust a unit, while movement would not necessarily do so on its own. That said, I also am far from the be all and end all of academics in the world of the American War of Independence! If you want your game to play out differently? Please do so and let me know how it goes! I'm always taking notes for new editions or thoughts! Your idea sounds exciting and now that you bought the game, it's yours to do with as you see fit!

Best wishes to everyone! I hope you all had a nice Easter!



