MAGFest and Beyond!

Hey all!

Daniel Lessin here, Lead Designer and CEO of Black Labrador Creations LLC, offering up an update or two since last we spoke!

Jason, our beloved lead artist, sallied forth from his home state of New Jersey to to attend MAGFest on our behalf, showing Loyalty or Liberty? and the Finch Folio works off to a plethora of new people in the DC area! He sold a fair few copies, made some awesome contacts, and will be definitely be returning to the area (with me in tow, like as not) for Katsucon!

In the meantime, I'm tackling a collection of twelve different third drafts of various design ideas, ranging from one act plays to comics to additional books and board games, while Jason will be making playsets of the games and providing illustrations for the books, as well as offering constructive criticism across the board! With his esteemed assistance, I hope to be in a position to playtest the next one of my board games by the end of the week. Anyone in the TC area interested?

It is only a shame that I will miss Protospiel next week to this effect. Protospiel, by the way, is a highly respected board game design convention that helped me work out some kinks in Loyalty or Liberty? back in the day and I owe game designer Seppy Yoon a great deal for hosting said event!


Writing Day Workshop!

